- Reselling of items obtained from Our Kids' Closet is strictly prohibited.
- You may shop only for your own immediate family.
- Our Kids' Closet exists for those in need. Please only use the facility if you fall into that category.
- Our Kids' Closet is currently open to any resident of the WOW counties which include Washington, Ozaukee & Waukesha
- Shopping is allowed a maximum four times per year per family.
- Each family is required to register (this will happen at your first visit) by providing a WI photo ID (either a Driver’s License or State ID) with current address. You may register during any open shopping day (see Shopping Hours). Each time you shop you will be required to show this information.
- There are no restrooms available at the facility (please come prepared!).
- Attendance policy: The first time a shopper signs up and does not show up for their time slot we’ll let it pass, we understand that stuff comes up. Every missed appointment after that, will count as a no-show and be marked as one of your 4 allotted yearly shopping visits. To avoid this, you will need to log-on and cancel your reserved time slot at least 24 hours in advance so that it is available for others.
- To help you manage your yearly visits we have made available a spreadsheet (see screenshot) that will allow you to view and track your visits. First obtain your card number (just email us or take a photo of your card on your next visit) and then click the link below. Look for the blue highlighted “Shopper” column to find your number, all your previous visits will be listed to the right.
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dbMV711vH-lq5MzlTEbXQTbm9sXPaNLmEBVNnVsUOoM/edit?usp=sharing
Tips when signing up to shop:
- SignUp Genius will be sending you email reminders, please use your preferred email address.
- Check your junk/spam folder to be sure reminders aren’t routing there.
- Make note of your children’s clothing and shoe sizes prior to your appointment.
- When signing up, do not revise the drop-down menu that is from 1-4. It should always be 1 regardless of number of children.
- After signing up on SignUp Genius, there is an option to add to the following calendars : Outlook, iCal and Google.
If you need to delete a time slot, please click the following link for instructions. Tip: don't delete your confirming email.
All policies listed are are for reference only, additional policies may apply (this is not an exhaustive list). Policies are subject to change without notice.